OMGTech! gives any primary & intermediate school in NZ the opportunity to take part in its award winning workshops (Plus any grown up, parent, or other member of the public that wants to take part) to be inspired and learn how to use future technology. We want to reach 200,000 Kiwi Kids!
We have hundreds of industry volunteers as role-models and inspiration to these kids and our workshops span the length and breadth of NZ. We can be anywhere, just like technology.
We give ALL kiwi kids access to the technologies that will shape their futures!
OMGTech! Is the first major initiative of the Pam Fergusson Charitable Trust. The trust that Vaughan Rowsell, one of our most successful tech entrepreneurs, set up to honour his mother, and the gift she gave by providing him with access to tech at a young age.
We understand that kids get technology. Kids love to explore and play and invent and innovate. It is just part of being a kid, being curious and not knowing any boundaries to imagination.We know we live in a world now where technology is everywhere, and it is poised to enable us to make all those crazy dreams of hover boards, spray on shoes, robots and wearable technology all come true, finally!
However, the really really big ideas that will shape the future are in the heads of our kids and the technology that will enable them to make these dreams reality is still inaccessible to most. We at OMG Tech! are all about enabling all kids to get access to that future technology today. It is vitally important that there are no barriers for any kid in accessing any future technology.
Robots, nanobots, biotech, wearable tech, rockets, programming, mind control! OK perhaps not the mind control.
Through a series of initiatives OMG Tech! plans to open up the world of future tech to every Kiwi kid.
Pam Fergusson
Vaughan Fergusson