Who Are We — OMGTech!

Zoe Timbrell

Zoe has an extensive background in event production and management, producing large-scale events and tours across New Zealand and internationally.  Prior to joining the OMG! Team, Zoe worked for 8 years at Employers and Manufacturers Association headed the conferencing and events department and sitting on the senior management team.

General Manager for OMG! since it’s inception, Zoe has been instrumental in developing the OMG! strategy and establishing our strategic partnerships, has lead the successful design and execution of the Award winning OMG! Rangers events programme.  Zoe has a strong ability to translate strategy into meaningful, effective action, and is passionate about bringing the OMG! vision to children across New Zealand.

Zoe is a fully accredited PLD facilitator through the Ministry of Education.


Vaughan Fergusson

Vaughan is the Founder of Vend, maker of awesome cloud based retail software.  Vend is a venture now valued at more than $200M - it is now one of New Zealand’s most successful technology companies, employing more than 300 staff in London, Melbourne, Toronto, San Francisco, Wellington and Auckland.

In 2014 Vaughan was the winner of the EY Tech Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Vaughan is passionate about technology and making technology accessible – he believes New Zealand has the opportunity to create a whole new generation of innovators, inventors, and future technologists.


Kawana Wallace

I begin my journey of studying technology in 2013, where I discovered that I was one of only a handful of Maori studying digital technology and computer Sciences at tertiary in New Zealand. After this, I dedicated myself to improving Māori participation in computer Sciences and digital technologies.

Over the last 6 years I have worked with a range of people in different communities in the hopes that I might inspire school leadership, kaiako (teachers), rangatahi (youth), whānau (families), and communities to follow a path of technology education with confidence. I provide learners with programs that allow them to make mistakes and learn from them, where learners can explore with their hands and build knowledge from the tips of their fingers. My greatest habit of mind is to react to the world with wonderment and awe, to be excited by the amazingness of the world around me, and to bring about change through my passion.
Kawana is a fully accredited PLD facilitator through the Ministry of Education.

Vivian Chandra

From the very beginning of my career, I have always been passionate about education. I have worked in a wide range of educational environments, from an urban secondary school, through to training adults in a corporate environment. I believe technology should be accessible and easy. While the media talks about the future of work, I truly believe that it is the future of life we need to be concerned about. Soon, access to technology will determine whether you have access to healthcare, democracy, travel and much much more. The digital divide will create a second class of citizen, one that simply cannot access the necessities of modern life.

In Aotearoa, every child is in school. To make a widespread impact nationwide, we have to upskill our teachers in technology. I am passionate about making tech accessible to all. By first demystifying it for our teachers, we enable them to influence the next generation of kiwis to become creators with technology. Collectively, we will create the Aotearoa we want to live in.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi” - With your basket and my basket the people will live

Viv is a fully accredited PLD facilitator through the Ministry of Education.