we learnt about slime and it was fun to day
3D Design at the Holiday Programme
Abigail's Day
Today me and OMGTECH did some cool things at the holiday programe. My favourite part of the day was when we played some games and did heaps of codeing. I enjoyed it alot
My Awesome day
Hi my name is Rory, today was my first day and it was really fun. I learnt a lot in all areas.
Izabelle's Day
my day was fun because others got to learn other elictronics because some times oters get to no about other ecsprienses for the futer
Leopoli's Day
Zachary's Day
Ariki's Day: Te Ra Tuatahi o te Wananga OMGTech
Kia ora tatau,
I liked working on the computers it was fun. We've done some fun activities - we did 3D printing, and an experiment with Mentos and Coke. It was heaps of fun and I can't wait until tomorrow.
He mahi pai te mahi rorohiko ki ahau. He mahi etahi mea pai kua mahia - he mahi 3D, me etahi mahi whakamatau (Mentos me Coke). He tino rawe, kaore au tae atu tatari ki a apopo.
Almost ready to kick off!
Hey everyone!
I'm super excited to get started, it’s going to be amaaaazing. Got a bit too excited about next week and “futurised” my shoes to make them light up, which was pretty fun.
Come join in the fun and you'll be able to do cool things like this too!