What Christian did today!!

Today we made slime oblek and played some games. i thought it was, pretty fun because I learned that you can make oblek out of just 1 cup of water and 2 cup's of cornflower. also i liked the feel of the slime because it was nice and squishy. this was by far my favorite day so far in this week. and i also learn that oblek is made out of Non-Newtonian Fluid



I Love OMGTECH because they do the funniest games and we get to go ouside when eer we want and they always give us instractions.Also they get to play with slime and oblick and thats the most coolest things.When i first started the holiday programme it was pretty scary and also fun but my Aunty sais we can stay till 4:00 and  and also and nine a clock

BY: Honey

what i enjoyed today was science i loved touching viscosity with with water. it was such gui!!

it was such exiting and fun day but what could of worked better was if we done robotics. by lyronz

Blog by Zac

i have had an amazing week so far we have done so many activities so far but i think that the slime science experiment could have of gone better we were learning about so much things such as viscosity and non-Newtonian fluid which basically means its a liquid that is hard when you hit it.we could of had more running  like multiple people making the slime at the same time.

today i enjoyed making slime and how we all got to do something and we get to play on games and eating and when we learnt about obleck and viscosity and i liked when we got to play with the slime and we all shared and didnt fight and i liked learning about how to use electronics

by jaydah thanks for reading

a amazing time

i have had a amazing time  at omgtech. i think noting could of been inproved. ever body worked well at omgt today. pwe made  slime and obleck. so in total, it was extra ordinaraly fun. i hope eeryone  has the same feeling as me. pride.  

by toby