my cool day

The thing i like today's building a devices and playing games and i love doing these activities on my first day its like the heavens but down here but i like the ways we played games on the court and i liked doing these things on my first day its the best est day ever thank you


Bernice's day

Today for science we made Slime!

But first we made oblek, we talked about viscosity. Oblek and slime have Non-Newtonian fluid.

We tried 3 different types of slime,1: 3 Parts PVA and 1 Part Borax solution.2: 4 Parts PVA and 1 Part Borax solution.3:2 Parts PVA and 1 Part Borax solution. NO was the best yet but then we added N.O 2 and N.O 3.

Bernice Booth. Thursday 18/01/18


Ariki ra and maori

kio ra  kautau he tino pai tokura ka takaro kemu me ka onepu  me korero ki toku hoa hera pai   he pai okuhoa  he tino pai to ku ra me ka ta ka ro kizi hera raue me te onepu he tino wai me ina ka pa ka tino wai  me ka mahi e ta hi atu onepu he  ti noraowe  te ra kia  pai okau tau ra mai Ariki Tangaere Payna.