Kia kaha mana wāhine!

It’s International Women’s Day! (well it is if you are reading this on the 8th of March 2020!)

We have been celebrating International Women’s Day for well over a century. The first gathering was in 1911 and we’re still here…

The theme for this year is #EachForEqual - Individually we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions and together we can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements worldwide.

Here is a message from our kaiwhakahaere, Zoe Timbrell, for all you kōtiro and wāhine out there!

And we’ve also gathered some of the mana wāhine in our extended whānau to take a few minutes out of their day to give you a message for #IWD2020

Lets work for an equal tomorrow, today.

Emily is an electrical engineer who has a (self-confessed) obsession with self-driving cars, electric vehicles, horses and rockets. She has been one of our amazing volunteers for years and is smashing through all the stereotypes in her various roles in major tech startups here in Aotearoa! Check our her personal site here.


Ete is one of our amazing graduate developers and an all round bundle of energy that the rest of us can’t keep up with. She is also our community manager on the Voluntarily project and uses her technical skills and her amazing people skills to translate between the geek speak and the humans! Connect with her here on LinkedIn.


Matilde is our Events and Programme Manager and brings a bit of European flair to everything that she does. You’ll find her being on the forefront of running our technical programmes making sure that we don’t forget or overlook any of the most vulnerable in our whānau. Connect with her here on LinkedIn.


Sez is a developer and one of our amazing long-time volunteers! She was instrumental at bringing her engineering and developer’s eye to all our events processes and bought a level of calm to the chaos that has held us in good stead throughout the years! Connect with her on LinkedIn on here.


Tash is a cybersecurity analyst and another of our long-time volunteers! Tash is always constantly learning and is a strong advocate for getting more Māori and Pasifika into STEAM and more wāhine (women) into cybersecurity. Connect with her on LinkedIn here.