Ka rawe!
We had a great time introducing Mahimaina (Minecraft Education i te reo Māori) to Te Kōpuku. We linked the 5-week intensive to sustainability and led the tauira (students) through understanding sustainability, and to understand the importance of considering the various ways it can be applied, especially traditional Māori practices.
Chromebooks open to the Minecraft coding screens, in brightly coloured block coding
The tauira had many wānanga sessions (group work) to discuss how sustainable practices, both traditional Māori or not, can be showcased in a Mahimaina world.
From the initial wānanga, the tauira then sketched a quick plan to create their own sustainable Mahimaina world. They learnt how to use the in-game camera to keep a record of their mahi (work) using the book and quill.
If you want us to come into your kura and teach Minecraft (or Mahimaina i te reo Māori), email schools@omgtech.co.nz and talk to one of our facilitators today.
A tauira pointing to their world that they’ve built on Mahimaina