If you are a person who pays tax here in Aotearoa, and you have donated to any charitable organisation this year, then did you know you can claim back 33%.
If you didn't know this, or you never claim it back, please consider donating it to us!
Every cent helps, and it means we can keep supporting our tamariki and rangatahi across the motu to discover exciting tech pathways and smash digital inequity.
You can read more about it here https://www.ird.govt.nz/donations you can ask for your rebate through MyIR or via a form here https://www.ird.govt.nz/-/media/project/ir/home/documents/forms-and-guides/ir500---ir599/ir526/ir526-2021.pdf
Once you have the rebate, you can totally donate it back to us easily here https://omgtech.co.nz/donate! We will even give you a receipt so you can do this all again next year!