Teacher Summit (Bay of Islands)
Below are the activities and the links to the various resources from the day
+ Press Play (Junior STEAM Curriculum)
- The Presentation from the day
- A self-led course on Scratch Jr
- A self-led course on more Junior resources (we will add to this too after the summit with the resources we gave you!)
+ ChatGPT for Kaiako
- The presentation from the day
- A self-led course with more resources
+ Future of Learning
- The presentation from the day
- more coming soon!
+ Minecraft EDU
- The presentation from the day
- You will find a wealth of resources on MinecraftEDU on their official website
- Here is a link to Ngā Motu, the incredible world set in Aotearoa
- a self-led course on how to do Minecraft
- a self-led course in te reo Māori on how to do Mahimaina