STEAM Explore Leadership session
Are you ready to implement the new Digital Technologies curriculum content in your school? Working together on a plan for integration and implementation.
+ Taking a pulse: Enablers and Blockers
- Use this exercise to work through your enablers and blockers
+ Refresher: Is it learning with or learning about Digital Technologies?
- Try this exercise to see how well you can tell the difference answers worksheet
- Find out how content creation fits into our OMGTech! Digital technology vs Digital fluency matrix.
- Check out the e-Learning/ICT Capability versus Digital Technologies infographic
+ OMGTech! DT Schools approach
- Here is a link to our canvas for leadership teams to work through. If you have already done this its a good time to revise and check in on how its going.
- Here is a link to our team planning canvas
- OMGTech! Staff Readiness matrix How do staff move along?
+ Cross subject area engagement
- Join in our Padlet brainstorm on how DT can be incorporated in other subject areas
- Learning area activity cards
- CT PO Breakdown
- DDDO POs Breakdown
- Reflective questions:
- What learning is currently taking place in our school that can be considered to be in an authentic context across multiple curriculum learning areas?
- Has Digital Technologies been included in the learning? If yes, what progress outcomes are being covered? If no, how could we integrate Digital Technologies into this learning activity?
- What other authentic context opportunities are there for integrating Digital Technologies?
- Is there a need for additional professional development around the Digital Technologies Progress Outcomes?
+ Local curriculum development
- Consider the following questions:
- How do we create learing accross our Kahui Ako?
- How do we integrate the digital technologies curriculum content so that it will be of most benefit for all our learners?
- How do we balance benefits for learners against disruption, trade-offs, and compromises?
- How will we cover the relevant progress outcomes through our integrated or no intergrated approach?
- How will our learners make annual progress? How will they/ we know?
- How might our approach change as expertise increases over the next few years?
- What will our next steps be?
+ Learning Goals
- A model for change - Where are we at? and how do we move forward?
- Mapping out some goals - Brainstorming Activity
- Highlight your priorities: what aspects are most critical to success?
- Refining what the purpose of the schools professional learning should be. The purpose should be as specific as possible - so for example: “Understand and try out activities for CT PO5” is a more specific scope than “Look at the CT PO’s”, which in turn is more specific than “Understand the PO’s” ACTION: Try a Boulder Pebble Sand exercise with one of your learning goals.
- Refined professional learning goals worksheet - Top 4 priorities
- Creating a strategic plan - Template
+ Genuine Learning Partnerships
- Reflective questions for your school
- How will/are you including Whanau?
- How will/are you including Student Voice?
+ Maintaining your gear - Purchasing and maintaining your digital technologies resources activity in three parts.
Stage 1: What’s your criteria for selecting equipment to support the curriculum content?
The first stage is to consider what equipment you need, and what is important for you, when deciding what equipment to purchase.
Stage 2: What have you already got?
The second stage is to take an inventory of what equipment you already have.
- Stage 3: Deciding what to purchase and making a plan The last stage is to weigh up your options, get hands on and trial some equipment, and make a purchasing and maintenance plan.
+ Whats Next
- Getting staff buy in
- Measuring Success
- Sharing learnings
- Other Opportunities