Felicity Jane Powell

Personal StatEment:


My name is Felicity, and I am an Education Futurist, Cultural Activist, and Human Potential Hacker based in Aotearoa.

My current full-time role is Computer Science teacher at an urban low-decile school in Auckland, in my second year of the Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ Programme. Alongside teaching, I am a Master’s student, ultramarathoner, tech mentor, and Google Innovator. More than all of this, I am a lifelong learner, which means that these titles can shift and change as needed by my community.

My current area of research is in educational neuroscience, studying the unlimited capacity of the human mind to innovate and identify creative solutions to complex challenges, particularly in disaster environments. I am particularly interested in the intersect of cognitive physiology, psychology, sociology, and technology, experimenting with how we can leverage machine learning to optimise workflow for teachers - so they can devote more of their time to building authentic and adaptive learning environments and relationships.

I also hack teenager’s brains using Rubber Ducks.

I am here to find as many ways I can to learn and love, bravely and wholeheartedly, while creating more opportunities for others to do the same. If you would like to connect or collaborate with me, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

Felicity is one of our education consultants.