Maggie Cassidy

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Specialists: English & NCEA

Personal Statement:

I’m passionate about learning and have worked in many different education-related roles, starting with summer camp counselling when I was still a teenager. Since then I've taught high school English, Media Studies, and Photography facilitated mentoring programmes and taught ESOL to adults online. Currently, I work in a pastoral support role as well as facilitating for OMGtech. 

Working in schools, it's easy to see how much of a difference it can make when kaiāko are confident with technology. I am a strong believer in making learning accessible and approachable for ākonga, and while this often means thinking about the language we use or how active or visual our lessons are, it also means becoming well-versed in digital technologies. If educators have a strong grasp of the tech that our ākonga use (or could use), then we can meet them on their own level, give them the tools to learn from anywhere, and equip them for a future in which they will learn to use multiple new technologies that have not yet been invented.

I did my teacher training in Turtle Island/Canada and my teaching years have been split between the UK and Aotearoa. Working in three different education systems has given me adaptability and the understanding that there is never one “right” way to do things. I am used to learning to use new systems and technologies as an adult and am eager to help other adults take on that challenge… it’s never as scary as you might think!

Ngā mihi, 

Maggie Cassidy

Maggie is an induction PLD facilitator through the Ministry of Education.