Kawana Wallace



  • Teach kids real good!

  • Makes cool courses & workshops

  • Professional tutu

  • Good at making stuff

Personal Statement:

I begin my journey of studying technology in 2013, where I discovered that I was one of only a handful of Maori studying digital technology and computer Sciences at tertiary in New Zealand. After this, I dedicated myself to improving Māori participation in computer Sciences and digital technologies.

Over the last 6 years I have worked with a range of people in different communities in the hopes that I might inspire school leadership, kaiako (teachers), rangatahi (youth), whānau (families), and communities to follow a path of technology education with confidence. I provide learners with programs that allow them to make mistakes and learn from them, where learners can explore with their hands and build knowledge from the tips of their fingers. My greatest habit of mind is to react to the world with wonderment and awe, to be excited by the amazingness of the world around me, and to bring about change through my passion.

Kawana is a fully accredited PLD facilitator through the Ministry of Education.