Professional Learning & Development
Calling all teachers in Aotearoa!
We’re fully accredited providers of PLD approved by the Ministry of Education to provide a blended e-learning PLD Programme. We have accredited facilitators that will work with your staff to create a customised PLD programme just for you.
How much will this cost?
It’s free! It won’t cost your school any cash money at all. The Ministry of Education has PLD hours which they allocate to schools to spend with accredited facilitators.
How do I book you?
We'll hold your hand throughout the whole process. Just flick us an email and we'll take you through the sign-up via the Ministry of Education, and get you and your staff started on your unique digital technologies journey.
Who does the teaching?
Pick a facilitator below and check out their portfolio!
Vivian Chandra (She/Her)
Team Lead
Kawana Wallace (He/Him)
Zoë Timbrell (She/Her)
Geoff Bentley (He/Him)
Krishna Khatri-Chetri (He/Him)
Maikara Dargaville (He/Him)
Facilitator - Māori Medium
Eteroa Lafaele (She/Her)
Facilitator - Cultural Capability
Maggie Cassidy (She/Her)
Chris Clay (He/Him)
Moehau Husband
Facilitator - Māori Medium